Katsucon 2015 Photos

I attended Katsucon 2015 for my third straight year. I took almost a thousand photos and will be posting them to the gallery in the Katsucon2015 collection over time. Katsucon is one of my favorite conventions to shoot at due to the beautiful venue and all of the cosplayers bringing ...

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Gallery Launched

Gallery Launched

After months of work, I’ve successfully installed a gallery using GNU MediaGoblin in order to host my own photos. See more for an overview of the collections. I’ve made a few modifications to install a custom theme, raise the “medium” image size, and solve other technical ...

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Going Static

Why Static

In one of my jobs as a sysadmin, I saw a lot of PHP-based systems. They’re all easy enough to get started with, but can be overwhelming to actually use and maintenance is often overlooked. Some of the the most popular PHP-based publishing platforms, such ...

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W-What are you looking at? I have to write about computers and anime so that even a baka like you can understand. Be thankful!

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